Världsklass affärssystems– och fakturahanteringstjänster

Top of the line ERP and AP solution services

Datema ERP Integration becomes Optema!

As we announced earlier, we are changing our name and it is happening today, April 26. For us, it feels important to finally get our own identity in place. When we acquired the company from Datema AB last fall, we were given 6 months to find a new name and change, and now it´s done!

How does it affect you as a customer

  • New website, www.optema.se
  • For those of you who have contracts, these continue under the existing organization number, 556657-0171
  • Support has a new email support@optema.se, but the same phone number, +46 8 517 150 55
    • For the time being, we will share support systems with Datema. This means that our reply emails come from support@datema.se
  • Our email addresses are the same name but @optema.se
  • Our visiting address is still Hemvärnsgatan 9 in Solna

Most of us remain in Solna and that is where we have our headquarters.

We are planning for a customer day in the fall, where we will give the opportunity for a day on site, alternatively online. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.


The optema team